
probiotics carrots (1 of 1).jpg


益生菌是各种各样的细菌和酵母菌,通过支持微生物组是有益于身体的健康。微生物组是生活在体内和身体内的微生物组。我们可以将其分解为不同的部分,如皮肤微生物组,口腔微生物组和肠道微生物组。有各种思想的思考,只有在体内有多少种细菌细胞,但保守估计说,细菌细胞将我们的人体细胞数量超过1.3:1(1)。其他人估计将细菌细胞与占组成身体的十亿的人细胞的比率。可以说是安全的,我们就像我们是细菌一样多的人。这些细菌在大多数情况下,通过保护病原体,支持免疫系统,破坏食物以进行同化,为身体进行健康促进身体的健康机制,甚至为身体产生维生素使用(23.4.)。We believe nurturing the microbiome is foundational to overall health and will play a large part in the future of medicine and reversing chronic illness.



  • 出生时交货方式

  • Overuse of antibiotics

  • Sugar consumption

  • 麸质消费

  • 药物

  • 压力

  • 老化

  • 缺乏运动

  • Poor sleep hygiene

  • 酗酒过多

  • Smoking



我们知道,80%的身体的免疫系统在肠道相关淋巴组织(GALT)(9.)。The GALT is responsible for having a healthy and balanced immune system as well as maintaining the integrity of the gut lining. In reality, all that separates our bodies from the outside world is a layer of enterocytes- just one layer thick! How important it is to nourish these cells!

Additionally, the health of the brain is directly influenced by the health of the gut through the gut-brain-microbiome axis by its bidirectional communication. In fact, 95% of the body’s production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation, happens in the gut (10.)。我们在我们的练习时间和时间再次看到这一点,那些在肠道中存在的问题同样存在大脑中的问题。焦虑和情绪障碍,脑雾,记忆丧失和自闭症与肠内的炎症有关(11.12.)。



  • 抗衰老(13.14.的)

  • 过敏预防(15.16.的)

  • 哮喘(17.的)

  • 自闭症(18.19.的)

  • 自身免疫条件(20.21.的)

  • blood sugar regulation & diabetes (22.23.24.的)

  • 癌症 (25.的)

  • 心血管健康(26.的)

  • 沮丧 (27.的)

  • 消化健康(28.的)

  • eczema (29.的)

  • 免疫支持(30.31.的)

  • 炎症(32.的)

  • 泄漏的肠道(33.34.的)

  • 精神健康 (35的)

  • 肥胖预防(36.的)

  • 口腔健康 (37.的)

  • skin health (38.的)

  • 小肠细菌过度生长(SIBO)(39.40的)

  • thyroid health (4.1的)





The vitality of these probiotic strains largely depends on the environment in which they are stored. Typically these probiotics need to be either kept in an air-tight package or refrigerated, or at least a a shelf stable temperature. With the variables of transportation, these probiotics can succumb to decreased effectiveness.

Soil Based Organisms & Spore-Based Probiotics

The soil beneath our feet has millions of microbes, both beneficial and harmful. We believe humans should interact with dirt frequently- eating unwashed organic produce or getting our hands and feet as close to the earth as possible. The wisdom of the health benefits of coming in contact with soil is well…as old as dirt!



值得注意的是,益生元对繁华的微生物组是重要的。益生元是蔬菜,水果和豆类中发现的纤维类型的类型,其饲喂肠道中有益生物。这些类型的纤维不能被人类消化,而是通过肠道细菌消化。该产品的一个产品之一,该产品的短链 - 脂肪酸,丁酸盐(4.2)。众所周知,丁酸丁酸地表明对肠道中的身体有各种有益的影响,包括结肠中的抗炎作用。我们不仅需要确定肠道中有益处损益细菌的适当比例,但我们需要确保他们喂养,以便他们茁壮成长。益生元素高的食物包括:

  • Apples

  • Asparagus

  • Bananas

  • 甜菜

  • 卷心菜

  • 萝卜

  • 菊苣根

  • Dandelion greens

  • 耶路撒冷朝鲜蓟

  • jicama.

  • Onion

  • Radishes



  • Fermented vegetables such as酸菜,泡菜或泡菜

  • 凯菲尔由奶牛牛奶,山羊牛奶,坚果牛奶和椰奶制成

  • kombuchaJun tea

  • 酸奶made from cows milk, goats milk, nut milk and coconut milk

  • Kvass用甜菜,水果等准备



同样值得注意的是,我们不推荐purchasing probiotics from big box stores or Amazon because it is impossible to know how the supplements were transported and stored as well as whether or not they are viable live organisms. Another relatively new method of purchasing supplements is through multi-level marketing or direct sales companies that employ people with little or no healthcare training to endorse their products. Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all approach to probiotics and we have yet to see any produced by these companies that are close to what is available through doctors. While this method of sales has helped to make gut health and probiotics more mainstream, please exercise caution in purchasing probiotics through those venues.

Works Cited

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